Guidelines musichildren’22

Publication opportunities

musichildren’22, in partnership with the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations – Universidad de Valencia and the Electronic Journal of Music in Education (LEEME) is orgazing three different publication opportunities for the proposals accepted to present during the conference.

You can apply for two different publications:

1. An unpublished text as chapter in the book “Exploring creativities: creation as a strategy for arts education” (ARTSLAB Collection) – (2023) editors: Adolf Murillo; Jesús Tejada; Mª Elena Riaño; Clarissa Foletto; Sara Carvalho and Lluís Solé. 

2. An unpublished article for a musichildren special issue of Electronic Journal of Music in Education (LEEME)(indexed in Scopus, Q1 Music). 

3. The musichildren’22 journal of proceedings indexed at PROA platform and Open Aire

Submissions guidelines for a Book chapter

The following information gives instructions on preparing a chapter and submitting it to us Artslab Collection (4th Book ARTSLAB collection) Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions educatives (Universitat de València)

Provisional title of the book: Exploring creativities: creation as a strategy for arts educations


Adolf Murillo, Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives Universitat de València; Jesús Tejada, Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives Universitat de València; María Elena Riaño, Universidad de Cantabria; Clarissa Foletto, University of Aveiro; Sara Carvalho, University of Aveiro; Lluís Solé, Universitat de Vic

1.        The manuscript will be sent to the e-mail as an attached document in WORD format in English or Spanish. Deadline for first revision: 7 January 2023 // final revisions 15 March 2023 and publication June 2023 first edition in paper format.

2. The maximum length will be 6500 words (maximum). Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12 pts. Spacing: 1.5 line spacing. Margins: 2.5 cm (top and bottom), 3 cm (left and right). Justified.

3.        Header of the article: title in capital letters and bold, centred. Below, on the right, the name of the author and the institution to which he/she belongs (see example in Annex I).

4.        After the title and the heading, an abstract of a maximum of ten lines should be included (see example in Annex I).

5.        Footnotes should be presented in Times New Roman 10 pt. format. Footnotes, if they coincide with a punctuation mark, should be placed after it.  Footnotes should be used for clarification of concepts in the text and not for citations or bibliographical references. 

6.        The use of bold, underlining or capital letters to highlight words should be avoided. Words in another language should be in italics.

7.        In the writing of the chapters, a personal style is sought within the rigour of academic writing. Likewise, the chapters must focus on and develop the following ideas or themes: composition and improvisation in the music classroom; exploration, experimentation and creation based on sound; multidisciplinary creation (integration of languages); new approaches and innovative experiences in musical creation; use of technology applied to musical creation, new spaces for musical creation (arts laboratories), innovative use of instruments or sound objects for musical creation; the creative teacher; experiences of projects based on musical creation…

8.        The title of the book will be: Exploring creativities: creation as a strategy for learning music and arts. 

9.        Titles of films, operas, albums will be in italics. Titles of songs and musical numbers will be in inverted commas.

10.      All quotations or references to specific texts must be followed by the corresponding reference according to APA 7. 

11.      Each chapter may contain 5 or 6 images (photos, diagrams, figures, tables) in grayscale (not colour) and with a minimum resolution between 300 dpi and 1200 dpi in JPEG or PNG format.

Submissions guidelines for an Article in LEEME

Please, follow the information available in this link: 

TheDeadline for sending the manuscript is 7th January 2023

Submissions guidelines for an Article in Music for and by children Conference Journal

Please, download the template for your article here

TheDeadline for sending the manuscript is 7th January 2023